We need to coordinate our fight against the climate change and this might be one way.
This is a chat between me and a friend about a new type of platform, which could help with colaboration and information distribution regarding tactics/actions against the climate change.
I've been thinking about a platform which presents different actions which can be done to fight climate change and allows to plan how to exactly do this action and participate together
Can't a blog serve this purpose?
not really, it's supposed to be like an ongoing thing
where first of all I present all my ideas which I think are good to fight climate change
but then everyone can contribute ideas
but the goal is to bring people to actually do something
and give people who want to do something an easy way in
with different metrics, which can be crowdsourced about the impact of a certain action/project
and just general upvotes for each action/project
furthermore there should be categorizations about the type of actions
if it's kind of a one man/team job action or if it's an action that everyone can do and the more do it the better
and then providing a platform to plan theses actions/projects together and assign tasks
and get people to think about ways to fight it
What about a kan ban type of thing?
yea, for the planning phase for sure
there will be a (new) ideas section, where people can upvote and rate ideas
about their category and impact
and if these ideas get enough attention
maybe with some more steps before, they get moved to the presentation phase
where it gets presented to everyone on the landing page or sth
and people can go and say if they want to participate
and if enough people participate (the limit can be figured out in the first cycle of an idea, where it gets evaluated) it will go in planning phase
and it can be planned out
yea, i think categorizing it in different stages
like: evaluation, presentation, planning, implementation or something like this
I was even thinking to have another entity called truths or facts
which can be used to underline why a certain action is important
and different actions can be linked to one truth
like: "the rain forest is an integral part of our ecosystem and is suffering a lot"
people can also vote that
and the vote evaluates the impact of that truth
and based on this truth actions can be planned
You could limit how many votes each user has (one per topic?) and how many topics they can bring to the table.
yea, thats something that would make sense
do like a system which evaluates based on your activity how many rights you have
do you think people would use that?
do you think it's a good idea?
i just feel like an organized front can do so much more
and a central place to plan and coordinate would be helpful i think
also connecting people with good ideas but not many changes to execute and people who can execute but don't have good ideas
Nothing of the sort out there yet?
not sure
i don't think so
I mean of course there are people organizing themselves
but it's mostly "closed" groups and not that accessible for the masses
or for people who are not in a friend group which is doing something
Why are they closed? Because the organizers didn't get to the publicity part or they don't have the tools to do so?
I mean they are not "closed" but they mostly attract people who are actionists and alternative etc. already
If you want to talk about this idea or give feedback/improvement, write me on twitter: